Update of instructions: providing the details of installations and operators in the CBAM Transitional Registry is optional at the moment

Publication date 25.1.2024 9.55
Press release

​​​​​​​We have previously told that it is always mandatory to provide the details of installations where CBAM goods were produced and of operators in the CBAM report.

On 22 January 2024, however, we received new information from the Commission: It is optional to provide the details of installations and operators in reports submitted to the CBAM Transitional Registry during the first three reporting periods until 30 June 2024, if the emissions are reported using default values. In other cases, the details of installations and operators must be provided in the reports. According to the Commission’s CBAM Transitional Registry User Manual of 22 December 2023, it is advisable to define the elements Operator and Installation.

The link to the CBAM Transitional Registry User Manual (Application User Manual – CBAM Declarant Portal) can be found on the Commission’s CBAM website Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (europa.eu) .The instructions on how to provide the details of installations and operators can be found in section “How to fill in the emissions” of the user manual.

We will provide information on any changes and specifications to the instructions given by the Commission.

More information by email at cbam(at)tulli.fi



Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Customer notice