Ukraine to join the T transit area on 1 October 2022

Publication date 13.9.2022 15.21
Press release

Ukraine will apply the Common Transit Convention as of 1 October 2022. This means that goods can be transported to Ukraine under T transit in the same way as to other countries in the common transit area. When Ukraine has joined the Convention, the common transit countries will include the EU countries, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey, North Macedonia, Serbia, the UK and Ukraine.

Update the comprehensive guarantee authorisation, the guarantee documents and the TC certificates

If a holder of the comprehensive transit guarantee wishes to transit goods to Ukraine, the comprehensive transit guarantee authorisation must be amended by adding Ukraine as a new country where the guarantee is valid. Apply for amendment to the authorisation in the Authorisation Service of Finnish Customs.

When the comprehensive guarantee authorisation has been updated, the authorisation holder must contact the guarantor of their transit guarantee and ask for the guarantee documents to be updated. This does not need to be done, however, if Finnish Customs has granted the guarantee holder a waiver from providing a guarantee. Authorisation holders who seek to add Ukraine as a convention country must also submit the comprehensive guarantee certificates (TC) to Finnish Customs for updating. Submit the updated guarantee documents as well as the TC certificates to be updated to the address: Tulli, Vakuustoimipaikka, PL 261, 65101 Vaasa.

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