Providing the consignor in the transit declaration

Publication date 23.5.2023 10.00
Type:Press release

There will be changes to transit declarations on 2 September. 2023 A new level will be added to the structure of the transit declaration. In message implementing guidelines, this level will be called “House consignment”. This will affect how many consignors can be provided in one transit declaration. 

During the transition period, one consignor can be provided

During the transition period, 2 September–1 December 2023, only one house consignment can be provided in the transit declaration. This means that only one consignor can be provided in the transit declaration during this period. During the transition period, Finnish Customs will permit one operator responsible for compiling the consignment to be provided as the consignor at house level. The conveyance reference number of this consignor shall be provided as the house level transport document number (manifest level). The details of the consignees shall be provided at goods item level. The house level transport document number used in the previous declaration shall only be provided in the previous document details. This will be the procedure, unless other uniform guidance is agreed on at EU level.

If the consignment to be transited has e.g. 350 house level transport documents, one transit declaration will be sufficient, as it is now when the NCTS is used. In the transit declaration, the following shall be provided as previous document details at goods item level: the MRN of the previous declaration, the house level transport document number of the previous declaration and the goods item number.

The final rules will take effect on 1 December 2023 

The final rules for transit declarations will become applicable across the EU on 1 December 2023. From then on, it will be possible to provide 99 house consignments. A house consignment has one consignor, and a separate house consignment shall be provided for each consignor. 

If the consignment to be transited has e.g. 350 house level transport documents, 4 transit declarations will be required. 

More information: UCC(at)  

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