Message descriptions now published for transit declarations to be deployed in March 2023

Publication date 9.11.2021 9.00
Type:Press release

Transit message exchange customers must start using declaration messages compliant with the new message descriptions in March 2023. The preliminary message descriptions have now been published on the Finnish Customs website.

The message descriptions have been published on the Finnish Customs GitHub pages “Message descriptions, transit“. All message descriptions for message exchange with Finnish Customs are available on the page Message descriptions

The contents of the message descriptions

The message descriptions contain the introduction, the guide for message exchange, the data contents of the messages, the class diagram, the codes used as well as the message structure. The descriptions are preliminary and for example the codes, rules, conditions, example messages and explanatory notes on data contents will be supplemented and specified in the coming months.

Renewing authorisations

Message exchange requires an authorisation issued by Customs and testing of messages with Customs. The current message exchange customers for transit must also apply for amendment of their message exchange authorisation. In 2022, we will provide information on when new authorisations or amendment to current authorisations can be applied for. The updated messages must be tested with Customs. Customs will agree on the dates for testing with each business.

More information:

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