Authorised consignor: affix seals to your means of transport, and provide the correct information on seals in your transit declaration

Publication date 29.8.2023 14.49
Type:Press release

Recently, customs controls have shown defects in seals on means of transport. The party responsible for affixing seals correctly is the authorised consignor, who is permitted to personally attach a Customs-approved special design seal to a means of transport.

Here is how you provide information on seals

Your transit declaration must include the entire ID of the special design seal of an authorisation holder, that is, the EORI number of the authorisation holder and the individual seal ID number. Under “Seal information” in your transit declaration, you can only indicate an authorisation holder’s own seals that Customs has approved. When necessary, you can indicate other commercial seals under “Additional information” in your transit declaration.

Authorised consignors must always use seals as the primary means for identifying and verifying goods. If a transit involves very few goods items to be transported, or they can be easily recognised due to their size or nature, seals are not necessary. In such cases, you can replace seals by giving a sufficiently precise and detailed description of goods to facilitate their identification. You must include goods descriptions and the related markings and numbers in your transit declaration. A goods description entails the quantity and nature of the goods, as well as special characteristics such as serial numbers. Sealing goods does not remove the obligation to provide a detailed goods description.

Make sure that cargo spaces are compatible with sealing

Before sealing a mode of transport, you should ensure that the cargo space is not accessible by breaking the seal. The cargo space should be such that hinges or other components cannot be detached without leaving traces. For example, blind rivets cannot be used in cargo space structures. For cargo spaces covered with tarpaulins, make sure that the angle straps have been sowed on, and that the cables run through eyelets that are set close enough to each other to prevent openings to the cargo space.

Means of transport are fit for sealing cargo spaces when

  • they can be sealed simply and effectively
  • their structure is such that goods cannot be removed from them without leaving visible traces or without breaking the seal
  • they do not contain spaces where goods can be hidden
  • Customs can inspect them easily.

The driver must ensure that the seal remains intact during the journey. If the seal breaks, the driver must contact Customs or the Police, who can confirm the event in the accompanying document (box 56). Check Incidents during the journey for detailed instructions.

The authorisation holder or their representative must affix the seals to the cargo space or the goods no later than when the goods have been released for the transit procedure.  

More information is available from our business advisors:

How to simplify transit - Customs

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet