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Traveller imports of e-cigarettes and nicotine liquids – concise instructions

The concise instructions on this page are meant to address the most common questions about how the quantities of e-cigarettes and nicotine liquids you can bring to Finland when you travel. Be sure to consult detailed instructions as well.

Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed to import e-cigarettes or nicotine liquids to Finland. 

Nicotine liquids


From your travels, you can bring in at most 10 millilitres of nicotine liquid. 

The nicotine liquid can be stored for example in refillable containers or inside disposable e-cigarettes. If a single e-cigarettes contains two millilitres of nicotine liquid, you can bring in five e-cigarettes (5 x 2 millilitres = 10 millilitres).

Nicotine content

  • If you bring in nicotine liquid for yourself, there is no maximum content limit. The nicotine content of the liquid can also exceed 20 mg/ml. 
  • If you import nicotine liquid for a family member or as a gift, the allowed maximum nicotine content of the liquid is 20 mg/ml.

The same restrictions apply regardless of whether you bring nicotine liquid from inside or outside the EU. 

Nicotine-free liquids and liquid flavours

If the e-cigarette liquid does not contain any nicotine, there are no quantity restrictions. 

Equipment meant for smoking e-cigarettes

Equipment meant for smoking e-cigarettes are not usually under any restrictions, and you can bring them to Finland when you travel. 

There are however many types of vaporisers on the market. It is not always easy to know in advance if a specific device is one meant for e-cigarette use in accordance with tobacco legislation. Some vaporisers can also be classified as healthcare equipment or electrical devices. In such cases, they must meet the standards set for healthcare equipment or electrical devices to qualify for import to Finland.

Read more in the instructions on various types of vaporisers.

Things to note when you import products from outside the EU

If you wish to import electronic cigarettes and nicotine liquids free of tax, you should note the value limits. When you arrive from outside the EU, the allowed maximum value of nicotine liquids and all other goods you bring from your travels is

  • 430 euros when you arrive by air or sea
  • 300 euros when you arrive by other means.

If the value limits are exceeded, you are required to pay tax for your imports.

The value limit does not include conventional tobacco products. However, nicotine liquids and other e-cigarette equipment are included in the value limit. 

When you arrive from outside the EEA, the duration of your trip may affect your right to import tobacco products. The EEA countries include the EU member states as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

  • If you live in Finland and you arrive in Finland from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) other than by air and your journey has lasted no more than 24 hours, you are not allowed to bring in tobacco products, nicotine liquids or snus products. 
    • Exception: You are allowed to bring in tobacco products and nicotine liquids to Finland if it is apparent that you obtained them before you left Finland.
  • If you live outside the European Economic Area and arrive in Finland other than by air and your stay in Finland is not a transit journey and lasts no more than three days, you are not allowed to bring in tobacco products or nicotine liquids. 
    • Exception: You are allowed to bring in products if it is apparent that the products are intended for your own use during your stay in Finland.

Please note: The time limit does not concern nicotine liquids with a nicotine content under 20 mg/ml or with a purpose of use accordant with the Finnish Medicines Act. However, you should not that you can only bring such liquids for your personal use and not for family members or as a gift.