Specified guidance on providing restrictions on F-gases and ozone-depleting substances in the customs declaration from 4 November 2024

Publication date 18.10.2024 12.00 | Published in English on 31.10.2024 at 13.31
Type:Press release

The European Commission has published two new regulations whose aim is to reduce imports and exports of fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) and substances that deplete the ozone layer.

The guidance on how to provide restrictions on F-gases and ozone-depleting substances in the customs declaration has been specified. The restrictions must be provided according to this guidance no later than from 4 November 2024. Customs has published the specified guidance on the webpage “Providing restrictions on F-gases and ozone-depleting substances”. More information about the regulations and their application can be obtained from the Finnish Environment Institute, which is the supervising and directing authority in the matter.

Providing restrictions on fluorinated greenhouse gases

Please note when submitting the customs declaration:

  • For the import goods, e.g. the following details must be provided: the calculated net mass and the calculated tonnes of CO2 equivalent of the imported gases as well as the F-gas Portal registration identification number. Read more about the reform in the summary on the European Commission’s website.
  • Condition codes related to the restriction on fluorinated greenhouse gases are provided as an additional document and, in addition to the condition code, the additional document identifier and, if needed, the supplementary unit TCE must be provided in accordance with the guidance. The following condition codes, for example, must be provided as an additional document: Y986, Y120, Y125, Y951, Y123, Y972, Y152, Y154, Y163 and Y121. For more information on providing condition codes, go to the webpage Providing restrictions on F-gases and ozone-depleting substances.

Providing restrictions on ozone-depleting substances

Please note when submitting customs declarations:

  • For the import goods, e.g. the following details must be provided: the calculated net mass of the ozone-depleting substances and net mass multiplied by the ODP of the ozone-depleting substances as well as the ODS Licensing System registration identification number
  • Condition codes related to the restriction on ozone-depleting substances are provided as an additional document and, in addition to the condition code, the additional document identifier in accordance with the guidance must be provided. The following condition codes, for example, must be provided as an additional document: Y797, Y798 and Y799. For more information on providing condition codes, go to the webpage Providing restrictions on F-gases and ozone-depleting substances.

More information:
Customs restrictions manual (in Finnish)
Providing restrictions on F-gases and ozone-depleting substances
The Finnish Environment Institute email: ODS.f-kaasut(at)syke.fi

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