New sanctions expand import and export restrictions against Russia

Publication date 7.10.2022 9.58
Press release

In its eighth sanctions package, the European Union has prescribed new import and export restrictions against Russia and specified the scope of the previous sanctions. Finnish Customs has estimated that currently about 90 Finnish companies import products from Russia, and about 220 companies engage in export to Russia.

The eighth sanctions package now prescribed extended sanctions to cover new products which might facilitate Russia’s military, technological and industrial capabilities or which might be used for inhumane purposes. The EU imposed new export sanctions also on new aviation products and certain chemicals. A particular sanction also covers maritime transports of Russian crude oil and oil products to third countries by EU operators, as well as transfers of those products between vessels, unless they are under a price cap. This sanction enters into force after a transition period.

The EU extended its import sanctions on steel to cover all products made from steel of Russian origin. New export sanctions also cover an ever-wider range of products made from certain materials of Russian origin such as wood pulp, paper, certain products used in the jewellery industry, tobacco, plastics and cosmetics. Some of the import sanctions are under various transitional regulations.

A noteworthy fact is that the eighth sanctions package introduced specifications to the previous sanctions. Specifications were required especially in practical enforcement work. 

– We put significant effort into enforcement of sanctions, and we have actively raised issues we have observed that affect the appropriate implementation of sanctions. The sanctions that have now taken effect also bring specifications to the previous sanctions on oil products. As concerns those sanctions, we encountered inaccuracies in our enforcement work that made it challenging to meet the goals set for them. We have also carried out various enforcement measures to prevent the circumvention of sanctions through non-EU countries. After specifications and enforcement measures, the sanctions work more extensively and appropriately, says Mr Sami Rakshit, Director of the Enforcement Department.

The new EU sanctions were published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 6 October 2022.

Press release by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (7 October 2022): EU’s new sanctions ban some oil transport, add export and import bans and tackle circumvention

The European Union has imposed extensive import and export sanctions against Russia due to the attack on Ukraine. As the implementing authority, Customs enforces sanctions as a part of normal customs enforcement.

Media release Pakotteet