New export declarations to be introduced on 5 October 2024

Publication date 21.5.2024 12.09
Type:Press release

The export declarations in the EU will be replaced with new ones in 2021–2025. In Finland, the new export declarations will be introduced on 5 October 2024 and the new exit declarations in spring 2025 From then on, these declarations are to be submitted either via the Customs Clearance Service or via message exchange. 

The following updated or new export declarations and notifications will be introduced on 5 October 2024:

  • customs declarations for export and re-export (FI515)
  • arrival at exit notification (FI507)
  • standard declaration for ship supplies (FI585)
  • declaration for goods in pipelines (FI595)

Changes to export declarations from 5 October 2024

There will be changes to the structure and data content of the declarations. You can compare the differences between the data content of the current and the new export declaration in the table that will be published shortly on the page For software developers on our website. There will be changes to most of the codes used in the declarations, and some new code lists will be introduced. When the new declarations have been introduced, the Export Accompanying Document (EAD) will no longer be printed out. The T extensions for registered exporters will no longer be used. Exporters can specify their offices using three-digit trader office codes.

In future, exporters will no longer be able to apply for exemption from submitting the arrival at exit notification using the code FIXEP, even if the goods are already at the place of exit when the export declaration is submitted. In future, the arrival at exit notification must be submitted for every export declaration also when the goods are at the customs office of exit at the time of export. The carrier will be responsible for submitting the notification.

Message declarants must apply for the authorisation by the end of May

Message declarants must test the new messages with Customs. Software suppliers have already started testing the export messages. Customs would like to point out that every current message declarant for export must also apply separately for the authorisation to act as a message declarant. If a message declarant for export already has the authorisation to use direct message exchange when submitting other declarations in the new system (import, transit or declaration for temporary storage), they must apply for amendment of their current registration decision on direct message exchange. 

The authorisation must be applied for in good time in the Authorisations and Decisions Service. Apply for the authorisation by the end of May 2024 to ensure that the new messages will be tested as scheduled. Message declarants who submit declarations will test the new messages with Customs in August–September 2024.

More information:
Export declarations to be replaced with new ones in 2024 and exit declarations at a later date (customer notice, 3 May 2023)
Software developer: The Commission has published instructions regarding changes in export declaration messages for 2024 (customer notice, 9 February 2023)
Changes to export and exit 

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet