Software developer: The Commission has published instructions regarding changes in export declaration messages for 2024

Publication date 9.2.2023 9.00
Type:Press release

The Commission has published AES Business Guidance instructions on changes to declaration procedures involving export and exit that will take effect in Finland in 2024. The instructions do not comprise a legal text that would bind EU member states, but is instead referential and serve in guiding business activity. 

The instructions from the Commission differ partly from the messages and processes to be implemented in Finland. In such cases, declarants must comply with the instructions from Finnish Customs. Some of the differences relate only to mutual information exchange between authorities, and are of no relevance to declarants’ activities.

Read the instructions to be followed in Finland on the Customs website

The new customs declarations for export will be deployed in spring 2024. Customs has published export message descriptions and a message exchange guide to be taken into use in Finland. The descriptions of messages and processes are binding, and they must be complied with in software development.

Exit messages will be updated for data content descriptions and the message exchange guide in spring 2023. 

Examples of differences

For example, instructions from Finnish Customs are to be followed in the following cases instead of instructions from the Commission:

  • If an export declaration is submitted in advance, a separate presentation notification (IE511) is not submitted in Finland. Instead, the declarant includes the time of presentation in the export declaration details. 
  • If an export declaration is submitted in two stages, in Finland it is possible to provide more details on a simplified declaration than what is outlined by the Commission.
  • If a supplementary declaration is not submitted within the given time limit, Customs will not send an IE531 message to the message declarant. For a missing supplementary declaration, the declarant can receive either a national Customs notification message (FI572) or a request for additional information (FI552). If exit concerns only a part of the goods on an export transaction, the export is certified for exit with the actual quantity of exiting goods. The exporter must submit a new export declaration for the goods item that do not exit. Splitting of export consignments cannot be used. 
  • In rejections of amendment requests, the FI505 message is used. Message IE556 is not in use. 
  • Message FI510 is used as an invalidation notification. Message IE509 is not in use. Message FI548 is used as an invalidation notification. Message IE556 is not in use.  
  • Goods cannot be stored at the place of exit for splitting. Message IE547 is not in use. Loading authorisations are requested with message FI507. Customs grants loading authorisations with message FI525. Message IE548 is not in use.
  • Re-export notifications are submitted with message FI570. In the subsequent message exchange, the following messages are used in Finland instead of what is instructed by the Commission:
    • FI526 – registration message (Commission: message IE571)
    • FI514 – invalidation request message (Commission: message IE614)
    • FI510 – invalidation request message (Commission: message IE609)
    • FI576 – amendment request message for a re-export notification (Commission: message IE573) 
    • FI503 – correction decision message (Commission: message IE574)
    • FI548 – invalidation request rejection message (Commission: message IE557)
  • Customs is notified of an exit with exit message FI590. 
  • An exit summary declaration is submitted with message FI615. In the subsequent message exchange, the following messages are used in Finland instead of what is instructed by the Commission:
    • FI526 – registration message (Commission: message IE628)
    • FI514 – invalidation request message (Commission: message IE614)
    • FI510 – invalidation request message (Commission: message IE609)
  • Messages IE601, IE603 and IE521 are not used in Finland.
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