Legislation concerning the granting of the CBAM authorisation has been delayed – instructions for applying for the authorisation will published as soon as possible

Publication date 12.2.2025 14.31
Type:Press release

The Commission is preparing the implementing regulation related to the authorised CBAM declarant status. Contrary to earlier information (our customer notice 19 December 2024), the vote on the regulation will be held in February 2025.

Because of the situation, it is not yet possible to apply for the authorisation. We will provide more information when you can apply for the authorisation.

We will publish the authorisation instructions on our website as soon as possible

Imports of CBAM goods will be subject to authorisation from 1 January 2026. The authorisation must be obtained via the CBAM Registry before importing CBAM goods, and it will be valid throughout the EU.

Customer guidance related to the authorised CBAM declarant status is being prepared. We will provide more information and update our CBAM page when the guidance has been completed.

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Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)