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In September 2023, there will be changes to how a missing document is provided in an import declaration

Publication date 28.8.2023 11.21
Press release

The retrospective presentation of a missing document is currently indicated in an import declaration with an additional information code as follows:

  • the code “FIPTL – Authorisation for missing information”, when the declarant has the authorisation to present the document retrospectively 
  • the code “FIPTP – Request for missing information”, when the declarant, in the customs declaration, requests an authorisation to present the document retrospectively.

A new additional information code will be introduced for import declarations on 2 September 2023. If the missing document is a preferential document or simultaneously both an invoice and a preferential document, always provide the additional information code “FIETU – The missing information is a preferential document”.

In future, the information on the missing document will be provided in the customs declaration in either of the following ways:

  • If the missing document is a preferential document, provide – in addition to the additional information code “FIPTL” or “FIPTP – the additional information code “FIETU – The missing information is a preferential document”.
  • If the missing document is an invoice not used for claiming preferential treatment, only provide the additional information code “FIPTL” or “FIPTP”.

More information
Authorisation to present documents missing from the simplified customs declaration

Customer notice