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High time to start using identification and authorisations

Publication date 19.3.2021 8.37
Press release

From 7 April 2021, it will no longer be possible to use Katso identification in Customs’ e-services. When starting to use identification and authorisation, your company must take certain actions, so be sure to reserve time for them to avoid disruptions in your customs transactions.

The CEO must grant a mandate to the person responsible for customs transactions

A person who handles customs transactions at a company needs a mandate. The mandate needed depends on which service the person is going to use. Check our website to find out what mandates are needed for customs transactions and how to grant mandates in practice. The mandate is granted through e-Authorizations by the CEO or managing director, or by another person who has the right to sign for the company.

Companies wishing to use a representative or agent in their customs transactions should find out on our website how a representative is authorised. What mandate the representative needs depends on which of Customs’ services the company is using.

Having trouble migrating to authorisations?

Our customer support will be happy to assist you with migrating to Suomi-fi identification (general advice for business customers, tel. 0295 5202, 8.00–16.15).  You can also consult the customer service of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.

Stay updated on customs transactions:

Customer notice