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Customers mainly satisfied with Customs Laboratory services

Publication date 4.11.2021 9.56
Press release

During the summer, the Customs Laboratory conducted a customer survey of those who have been customers of the Customs Laboratory in 2020 and 2021. The number of respondents was 137. The reply rate was 19 %. In general, customers in various categories were quite satisfied with how smooth their customs transactions were. Other authorities and Customs units were either highly or very satisfied with how smooth their transactions had been. Customers who had received services in examinations of foodstuffs and consumer goods, plant health and compliance, and in other matters were quite satisfied with the services they had received.

Of those who replied to the survey, 82 % (113 customers) had received services in examinations of foodstuffs and consumer goods, and 7 % had received services in plant health and compliance matters. Of the respondents, 11 % worked in another Customs unit. One respondent worked in another government agency. Moreover, 3 % of the respondents had conducted other transactions with the Customs Laboratory. 

Other Customs units comprise the largest customer category for the Customs Laboratory. Just under 90 % of Customs Laboratory services are used by other Customs units. In controls of foodstuffs and consumer goods, the share of corporate customers is about 35 %, and their share in plant health and compliance controls is about 7 %. Of Customs Laboratory services, other authorities use a share of about 7 %.

Customers are quite satisfied with examinations, controls and instructions

On average, respondents were quite satisfied with examinations of foodstuffs and consumer goods, as well with plant health and compliance controls. Customers were mainly satisfied with warehouse operations. 

Customers were also mainly satisfied with how they were instructed to submit documents. As for customers who received services in examinations of foodstuffs and consumer goods, 74 % regarded that they had received sufficient instructions on how to submit documents. Altogether 75 % of customers who had received services in plant health and compliance controls gave the same feedback.

Sufficient information in laboratory examination reports; customer wish for clearer language

As a rule, respondents considered that reports on laboratory examinations contained sufficient and clear information. 82 % of customers who received services in examinations of foodstuffs and consumer goods considered that reports on laboratory examinations contained sufficient and understandable information. Of representatives of other Customs units, 92 % held this view. One representative of another government authority considered laboratory examination reports to contain sufficient information. Customers who received services in examinations of foodstuffs and consumer goods regarded that the most significant obstacle to understanding the provided information was the professional jargon used in the reports.

Response times in examinations considered partly too long

Other Customs units were the most satisfied customers (87 %) in terms of response times involving examination results. As for customers in controls of foodstuffs and consumer goods, 50 % were satisfied with the duration of examinations. The major factor in terms of dissatisfaction was the difficulty of handling logistics in real time due to variation in response time. One representative of another government authority was not happy with response times, and considered that response times had become longer during the previous year.

Examination results used in developing activities

49 % of customers who receive services in examinations of foodstuffs and consumer goods utilise control results in their activities. For the most part, customers use results in in-house controls and quality management (68 %), cooperation with goods suppliers and product development (23 %), and customer information (14 %).

More information wanted on stages of controls

Of customers who received services in examinations of foodstuffs and consumer goods, 46 % considered that they had received sufficient information during different stages of controls. 39 % required more information. Respondents wanted more information especially on schedules and progress (59 %). More information is also required on the control process (11 %). Moreover, respondents wanted clear instructions and advice on measures required of operators after decisions are given. 

As for customers who received services in controls of plant health and compliance, 56 % replied that they had received sufficient information on different stages of controls. 

Measures to be taken

Based on the survey results, the Customs Laboratory will look into how durations of examination processes can be shortened, how information on processes can be released more efficiently, and will harmonise statements given in examination reports. Furthermore, the Customs Laboratory will give replies to frequently asked questions.

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