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For software developers

This page contains the message implementing guidelines (MIGs) for message exchange, the XML schemas as well as technical guidance relating to API services. You can find the guides for message exchange on the page How to apply for message exchange customer status.

Message implementing guidelines

Import and customs warehousing

  • Import 3.0 MIGs (deployed in all import declarations: declarations for special procedures, simplified declarations and declarations for release for free circulation as well as customs warehousing declarations on 2 September 2023)


Export and exit


Guarantee query

XML schemas

Other interface transactions

The Fintaric distribution service provided by Customs contains the data from the EU Taric database as well as the national additions in machine-readable format. The distribution service is open to all and software developers may use it when offering their customers services pertaining to the customs nomenclature and customs declaration.

The Fintaric distribution service is available via the portal or via the Customs interface.

Alternative 1: Using the distribution service via the Data Exchange Layer

You can use the Fintaric distribution service via the Data Exchange Layer. Start using it by submitting an application to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. For more detailed guidance, go to the page Data Exchange Layer on the website of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. A description of the Fintaric distribution service is available in the API Catalogue of the Data Exchange Layer: Tulli-FINTARIC-Service.

Alternative 2: Using the distribution service via the Customs interface

The Fintaric distribution service is also available without using the Data Exchange Layer. The interface requires the company to obtain a server certificate from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV). No separate registration is required.

Retrieving WSDL descriptions:

Addresses to the distribution service:

You can get more information from Customs Business Information.

Pre-completed declaration for the GoodsShipmentInfo web service

Transport companies can make it easier for their customers to submit import declarations via the GoodsShipmentInfo (GSI) web service. With the service, customers receive pre-completed declarations for finalisation in the Customs e-service. A pre-filled detail can be, for example, identification of warehouse.

Customers receive information for their declaration with an arrival ID query, that is, by entering the consignment’s arrival ID or consignment note number in the e-service. With that information, the GSI web service retrieves data on the consignment for the declaration from the data system of the transport company.

Guidance on the implementation of the GSI web service

The transport company implements the service in its own system based on specifications from Customs, and applies authorisation from Customs for linking the web service with the Customs system. The functionality of the web service must be tested with Customs.

You can apply for authorisation via the online service “Applying for a message exchange authorisation”. Under “Declarations for which the authorisation is applied”, select “My company intends to submit advance information to Customs for the import declaration (GoodsShipmentInfo)”.

You can get more information from Customs Business Information