Accessibility statement – Intrastat Declaration Service

Finnish Customs aims to guarantee the accessibility of its websites and online services in accordance with the Act on the Provision of Digital Services (306/2019).

This accessibility statement applies to the Intrastat Declaration Service.

Alternative service channels

If you are unable to use the Intrastat Declaration Service, please contact the Intrastat information service by calling +358 295 52334 (Mon–Fri 9 am – 12 noon) or emailing

Only companies, which the statistical services of Finnish Customs has notified to be obligated to declare information in the EU inner markets or which have been registered as an Intrastat agent for companies obligated to declare information, have access to the Intrastat Declaration Service.

Accessibility of the service

The accessibility of the service partly complies with the requirements laid down in the Act on the Provision of Digital Services.

Identified accessibility issues

The service still has some accessibility issues. Identified accessibility issues are listed below. If you identify any issue in the use of the service that is not listed below, please contact us. The list will be updated during the next few months whenever corrections are made to accessibility issues.

The following content does not fulfil the requirements laid down in the Act on the Provision of Digital Services.

  • Responses and status messages (WCAG 4.1.3)
    • There are system responses that cannot be detected by a screen reader without moving focus.
  • Focus visible (WCAG 1.4.11 and 2.4.7)
    • Contrast between the highlight colour and the normal colour is insufficient in the CN8 tree view.
  • Tabs (WCAG 4.1.2)
    • In tabs, certain ARIA attributes are used incorrectly, which may present problems when using certain screen reader programs. 
  • In-page navigation (WCAG 1.3.1 and 2.4.4)
    • The in-page navigation (Headers-Rows-Summary and confirmation) is presented simply as links for which no explanations are provided. Users of screen readers may have difficulties in understanding the meaning of each link.
  • Error messages (WCAG 3.3.1 and 4.1.3)
    • It is possible to proceed from “Rows” without entering any data, although this data is mandatory. Users of screen readers are not informed of the error until at the end of the phase “Summary and confirmation”, and sighted users are not informed of the error at all. 
    • When a file has been uploaded, some of the error messages are displayed in a modal window, but some of the error messages are not indicated.
    • Rows with errors are presented illogically, which presents challenges for users of screen readers.
  • Form fields (WCAG 1.3.1 and 3.3.2)
    • “Arrivals” and “Dispatches” form a check button group, but its header, “Direction”, has not been connected to it programmatically.
    • The header “Nil declaration” has not been connected programmatically correctly to the checkbox below.
  • Buttons (WCAG 4.1.2)
    • Some of the individual function buttons have unnecessarily been placed in a toolbar marked with the toolbar role.
  • Modal dialog “New row information” (WCAG 2.4.3)
    • When the dialog “New row information” is closed, keyboard focus moves to the beginning of the page, not to the button that opened the dialog.
  • Connection timeout (WCAG 2.2.1)
    • The user is warned of the connection timeout so that they have the opportunity to request additional time. However, for data security reasons the user must be logged out after 12 hours, which means that the accessibility requirements concerning time limits are not completely fulfilled. 
  • Additional information on rows that contain errors (WCAG 1.4.13, 2.1.1)
    • In the table, the rows that contain errors have been indicated using a warning icon, which provides additional information when the cursor is moved over the icon. However, the additional information is closed if the user tries to move the cursor over them. Also, moving focus to the warning icons cannot be done with the keyboard.
  • Responsiveness
    • There are several shortcomings in the responsiveness of the service. Some data will be lost in enlarged or narrower views. The service also requires lateral scrolling at 320 CSS pixels. (WCAG 1.4.10)
  • Focus order
    • The CN8 list alignment order does not match the visual order, making keyboard use more difficult (WCAG 2.4.3).

Preparing the statement

Finnish Customs has tested the accessibility of the service as follows:

  • Accessibility was tested by Eficode, an external party. 
  • The service was tested in February 2019.
  • The statement was prepared on 6 July 2020.
  • The statement was last reviewed on 20 September .2023.


We are happy to receive feedback on the accessibility of this website.

  • Please send feedback on accessibility to Finnish Customs by emailing
  • The statistical service of Finnish Customs is responsible for the accessibility of the Intrastat Declaration Service, and it also responds to feedback given on accessibility.
  • We aim to respond to feedback in five working days.

If you are not satisfied with the response you have received from Customs or if you have had no response, you can submit a report to the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. Detailed information on how to file a report and how the matter will be handled is available on the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom.

Contact information of the supervisory authority

Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
Digital Accessibility Supervision Unit
telephone switchboard 029 534 5000