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Changes to customs declarations in 2020–2025

Message declarants who submit customs declarations must update or upgrade their declaration systems to comply with EU customs legislation in 2020–2025. Online declarants will start using a new online service.

The new declaration systems have been determined by the EU. They will be introduced in phases according to the timetable set out in the Commission’s IT strategy. The strategy is assessed annually and any timetable changes are confirmed by legislation.

Timetable in Finland

The new customs clearance system is already in use in Finland for

  • import and customs warehousing declarations
  • import declarations by private individuals
  • presentation notifications regarding safety and security declarations submitted for goods consignments arriving by air from outside the EU (the safety and security declarations are submitted to the EU Commission’s system)
  • temporary storage declarations for goods arriving from EU airports and ports
  • transit declarations.

Other new declarations will be introduced in Finland as follows:

  • export declarations in October 2024
  • exit declarations in spring 2025
  • presentation notifications regarding safety and security declarations submitted for goods consignments arriving from outside the EU by sea from June 2024 (the safety and security declarations will be submitted to the EU Commission’s system)
  • presentation notifications regarding safety and security declarations submitted for goods arriving from outside the EU by rail from April 2025 (the safety and security declarations for road and rail transports will be submitted to the EU Commission’s system).

Finnish Customs provides support during the reform – what kind of support would you like?

We are supporting our customers in many ways during the reform of the customs clearance systems. We arrange webinars and publish online recordings and various guides. We publish instructions on customs declaration, both texts and videos. We provide information on customer events separately.

  • Webinars(in Finnish)
  • Instructions for using the e-service (in connection with the publication of the service)
  • Instructions on procedures (on the pages for import, export, transport and warehousing)
  • Message exchange instructions

What is the easiest way for you to follow the changes? Let us know at: ucc(at)