Registration of TIR quality experts

Only heavy vehicle inspectors registered by Customs, i.e. TIR quality experts, can issue statements on the TIR condition of transport units. The registration is valid for three years (+ the current year) starting from the date it was issued. For an extension of the right to issue statements, a new application must always be submitted. The application period for TIR quality experts is from 1 August to 30 September annually.

You can apply for the status of TIR quality expert if

  • you have a certified qualification to carry out registration inspections of heavy vehicles
  • you have not committed any serious or repeated infringements of customs or tax legislation

A registration as TIR quality expert also requires you to pass a test arranged by Customs on the technical regulations concerning the transport units used for TIR transports. The test is performed online. You will receive the test IDs during the processing of the application, when the other registration right requirements have been evaluated by Customs. The test is a test of the knowledge of technical regulations concerning the transport units used for TIR transports (TIR suitability requirements). The test contains questions from the TIR Handbook and its appendices. You may bring your personal study material to the test.

You can apply for the status of TIR quality expert by sending your application to the Customs Authorisation Centre by email ( or by mail to Tullin lupakeskus, PL 261, 65101 Vaasa.