Via Finnish Customs’ e-services and the EU Trader Portal, businesses can submit declarations, apply for authorisations and find information they need for declarations and applications.
General tips on using e-services:
- Most of our services require identification with online banking ID codes, a mobile certificate or a certificate card. If you are a non-Finnish national, you can identify yourself in some of the services using the Finnish Authenticator application.
- To act on behalf of someone else you need mandates.
- Businesses need an EORI number for almost all transactions.
Check the instructions on the presentation page of the e-service.
Declaration services
Declaration support services
- EORI Number Registartion Service
- Commodity code service Fintaric
- MRN Search
- Authorisations and Decisions Service
- My Details
- Warehouse IDs
EU Trader Portal
- Proof of Union Status system (PoUS) (endorsement of proof of Union status of goods)
- CBAM Transitional Registry (submitting emissions reports on CBAM goods)
- BTI service (applying for binding tariff information decisions)
- Customs Decisions System (CDS) (applying for authorisations)
- eAEO service (applying for authorisations for AEO status)
- INF system for special procedures (applying for INF numbers)
- Registered Exporter System (REX) (in Finnish) (right to certify the origin of goods)
- ICS2 Declaration Service for Safety and Security Data (STI-STP) (Safety and security declarations for goods arriving by air or sea from outside the EU)
- TRACES (creating entry documents)
Services by other authorities
- Port Traffic Declaration Service (Portnet)(notifications on the arrival and departure of seagoing vessels)
- Excise Movement and Control System (EMCS) (Vero.fi) (in Finnish)Link to an external website