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Transport document details must be included in exit manifest presentations and exit summary declarations

Publication date 4.4.2022 10.00
Press release

Transport companies are required to provide Customs with details on the goods they are carrying before they exit the EU. The details are to be submitted on the exit manifest presentation that refers to the preceding customs declaration. If there is no preceding customs declaration, an exit summary declaration is to be submitted.

In the future, exit manifest presentations and exit summary declarations must include the number of the house level transport document as information on the previous document, in addition to the MRN and the consignment number. This concerns situations where exit is preceded by an entry summary declaration submitted in the Commission system or a renewed temporary storage declaration. As of 29 April 2022, the renewed temporary storage declaration will replace the summary declaration for temporary storage (IE344) which is currently in use.

As for return postal consignments, the transport document number is required in the exit manifest presentation as an element of the details on the previous document already as of 3 April 2022.

Message declarants must test the updated exit messages

Message declarants are required to test the updated exit messages (IE547, IE615, IE613) before they can taken into use. To carry out the testing, message declarants must submit an application for amendment on customs form 934. 

How is the information included in the declaration?

Message declarants are to provide the MRN for the temporary storage declaration in the “reference number MRN” data element. Furthermore, you should enter the transport document reference in the “transport document number” data element.

If you submit your declaration in the arrival and exit declaration service (AREX), enter the code of the code, MRN, house level transport document number and consignment number for the previous procedure under “Previous procedure”. 

More information:
Goods exiting the EU
Declarations on exiting goods
Time limits for entry and exit declarations

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet