Tools for estimating the taxes and customs duties for those who develop software for or who submit transit declarations

Publication date 2.10.2023 10.00
Type:Press release

Changes will be introduced to the way transit declarations are submitted on 18 November 2023. From then on, the submitter of the transit declaration must provide an amount for the customs duties and taxes to be covered by the transit declaration that corresponds to the actual customs duty and tax liabilities. The average one-time reservation will no longer be used. If the actual value of the goods is not known, you can use the tools provided by Customs for assessing the amount of taxes and customs duties. 

Use Customs’ webpage “Average prices for import” or the Fintaric calculation tool

On the page Average prices for import, Customs will regularly publish the average prices of import products for various commodity codes. You can check the average price of similar goods in the table with average prices and calculate the required guarantee based on that price. The average prices are published as an Excel table, and the prices are based on the previous 12-month period. The tables cannot be downloaded in XML format. 

You can also use the Fintaric calculation tool in estimating the amount of taxes and customs duties. On the start page of Fintaric, select “Calculation” and then “Transit” as the procedure. Select the current date as the date and provide the commodity code. As country, select the country of origin of the goods. The tool always provides the estimates according to the highest possible customs duty rate applicable to the country and goods category based on current information. You can leave the customs value blank and only provide the net weight in kilograms, in which case the tool will use Customs’ average price table for the goods value. To conclude, select the VAT rate, and the tool will estimate the amount of customs duty and taxes according to the average price. For goods subject to excise duty, you must also provide the required excise duty codes (e.g. excise duty on alcoholic beverages, beverage containers and soft drinks) and the additional information required by these.

These tools provided by Customs can also be used when monitoring the reference amount for the guarantee.

More information: UCC(at)

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