Shipping companies: if you submit entry summary declarations in message format, but are not ready for new declaration messages on 3 June 2024, you should apply for a transition period

Publication date 18.3.2024 8.47 | Published in English on 30.4.2024 at 11.55

The new declarations involving safety and security data in sea, rail and road traffic will be deployed in several stages for modes of transport. For example, new required declaration data includes the seller, buyer and, as a permanently obligatory data item, the commodity code at the level of six digits. 

The EU has confirmed new schedules for the deployment of entry summary declarations. The new security data declarations for shipping companies will be used as of 3 June 2024. If a consignor, consignee or an operator representing those parties has agreed with a shipping company on submitting security data on information in house-level consignment notes, they are required to start using the renewed declarations on 4 December 2024. Operators who submit entry summary declarations in rail and road traffic will start using new declarations on 1 April 2025.

Transition periods

Transport companies that submit entry summary declarations in message format can apply for a transition period for deploying new declarations. For example, if the software used by a transport company cannot be completed by the due date can constitute grounds for applying. 

Shipping companies can apply for a transition period until no later than 4 December 2024. Operators who submit declarations on information concerning house-level consignments can apply for a transition period up until 1 April 2025, and rail and road operators until no later than 1 September 2025.

Who can apply for a transition period?

Businesses with an EORI number issued in Finland shall apply for a transition period from Finnish Customs. A transition period can be applied for only by transport companies responsible for declarations and by operators responsible for submitting house level consignment details. Representatives of such declarants who submit messages and service providers responsible for transmission of messages cannot apply for transition periods for themselves. Instead, they can apply for transition periods on behalf of declarants.

If you intend to submit renewed entry summary declarations in the ICS2 service provided by the EU for security data, you cannot apply for a transition period.

Information and time limits required for transition period applications

You can apply for a transition period by sending a free-form email to Finnish Customs at UCC(at) In your message, you should indicate at least the EORI number of your company, the role in which you submit declarations, the declarations your company intends to submit, and the duration of the transition period you are applying for. Remember to state the reasons for your application.

Shipping companies must apply for a transition period no later than 30 April 2024. Message declarants in rail and road traffic, as well as message declarants who submit entry summary declarations on house level consignment details can apply for a transition period also later. However, applications should be made no later than one month before the deployment of the declarations relevant to them. 

More information:
Entry summary declarations to be renewed in June 2024 for sea traffic and in 2025 for railway traffic (customer notice, 23 October 2023)

Changes to entry declarations and temporary storage declarations

Import Control System 2 - Release 3 - European Commission


Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet