Message exchange customers: apply now for testing of new declarations

Publication date 11.1.2023 9.00
Type:Press release

New transit declarations will be introduced on 2 September 2023. All transit declarations will change, including those of authorised consignors and consignees. Message declarants must test the new transit declarations with Customs. 

Testing schedule

You can start applying for this testing from 11 January 2023. Testing with Customs starts in April 2023. When your company has submitted its application for testing, Customs will then contact you to agree an exact date for the testing.

First, software suppliers and providers of message exchange services test the messages. After that, message exchange customers using their own server certificates will test the declarations. As a rule, messages are tested in the testing service for message exchange.

How do I apply for testing?

Transit message customers can apply for testing in the Authorisations and Decisions Service. You log in to the service using identification and the mandate code “Applying for customs authorisations”. Message exchange customers must have an EORI number. 

If your previous message exchange decision (SSA) is available in the Authorisations and Decisions Service, you can apply for change. If your previous decision is not available, click on “New application”.  

Applying for testing – foreign businesses

Companies based outside Finland can also apply for testing in the Authorisations and Decisions Service. This is possible when a person representing the company is granted a Finnish Authenticator ID, and the company is registered in authorisation service of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. Upon registration, the person in your company who can grant the required authorisations for transactions to company employees is also designated. Read more on the Customs website on identification by foreign businesses.

For the time being, foreign companies can apply for message customer status also through the so-called fallback procedure, that is, with customs form 1092. You can request the form from edi-luvat(at)

What transit messages need to be tested?

The following renewed customer messages and their various reply messages must be tested:

  • Transit declaration
  • Amendment request
  • Cancellation request (new)
  • Free-form contact (new)
  • Additional information response (new)
  • Response to hearing (new; to be tested when you do not wish to receive hearing requests from Customs by mail)
  • Presentation notification for pre-lodged declaration (new; submitted by the customer for presenting goods covered by a pre-lodged transit declaration to Customs)

What messages must be tested by authorised consignees?

  • Arrival notification
  • Unloading report

Software suppliers and service providers must test all test cases with Customs.

If a message exchange customer purchases software from a software supplier that has already conducted testing with Customs, but yet the customer submits messages from its own server, the customer must go through a few test cases with Customs. If the message exchange customer’s messages are generated and submitted from the server of the provider of message exchange services, the customer is not required to test the declarations. However, the customer must submit an application for message exchange to Customs.

Additional testing in late 2023

As of 1 December 2023, there will be changes to technical specifications concerning certain information provided in message format throughout the EU for compliance with new legislation. These specifications include, for example, the number of characters and data repeatability. This arrangement also requires at least some minimal re-testing of messages with Customs. Customs will release information on this particular testing later.

More information: UCC(at)

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