Many things to consider when importing seeds and plants from outside the EU

Publication date 5.2.2025 7.59
Type:Press release

While it may be easy and convenient to order plants and seeds online, there are a few things that home gardeners need to remember. When ordering live plants and seeds from outside the EU, you need to have a phytosanitary certificate and order an import inspection for them. What is more, ordering certain plants is completely prohibited.

“The most important thing to do before ordering is to find out the import requirements. On the Finnish Food Authority’s website, you can easily find information on the prohibitions and restrictions that apply to ordering. The website also has detailed guidance on how to order an import inspection,” says Jaana Viitakoski, Senior Customs Officer.

When ordered from outside the EU, all live plants, seeds and cut flowers must have a phytosanitary certificate. If you cannot obtain a phytosanitary certificate, you should not place the order. The import of certain plants, such as host plants of fire blight, coniferous plants, citrus trees and seed potatoes, is completely prohibited.

“Finnish Customs controls the import of plants and seeds. There is a reason that the import restrictions are in place; namely, to help combat plant diseases and pests that are spread through plants,” says Viitakoski, adding that

“Customs will detain and destroy any plants and seeds brought in from outside the EU without a phytosanitary certificate. If you wish to avoid troublesome situations, you should make sure that you can obtain a phytosanitary certificate for the products.”

When ordering plants and seeds, you should also take into account that not all courier companies necessarily transport plants and seeds. Once the consignment has arrived, it must also be declared to Customs. In the declaration, you must indicate whether the phytosanitary certificate is in the parcel, available in electronic format or already received by the consignee. You must order an import inspection, subject to a charge, from the Food Authority. If everything is in order, you can start using the products in the consignment. If not, the import is not allowed.

A short checklist when ordering: 

  1. Check the import prohibitions. The import of certain plants is completely prohibited.
  2. Find out if you can obtain a phytosanitary certificate for the plants. You cannot order them without a certificate.
  3. Consider the costs involved. The phytosanitary certificate and the import inspection are subject to a charge.
  4. Start the customs clearance process when the consignment has arrived.
  5. Order an import inspection for plant consignments from the Food Authority.


More information:

Ordering plants online (

Ordering plants and seeds online (

Media release