Information event for software developers on 29 January 2025 ‒ changes in exit declarations and customer testing

Publication date 14.1.2025 10.00
Press release

Exit declarations that follow export declarations will be renewed on 24 May 2025. The current exit declarations that are submitted to the system for processing entry and exit declarations (AREX) will be replaced by declarations that conform to new data contents and are to be submitted to the Customs Clearance System. The message descriptions (message implementing guidelines) have been published on the Customs message descriptions website

We will hold an information event for software developers on 29 January 2025. The event will cover changes in exit notifications, exit summary declarations and re-export notifications that will be implemented on 24 May 2025. 

The event will take place remotely. Be sure to sign up for the event no later than on 27 January 2025 by email at UCC(at)

Event programme

9.30 Event opens
9.45 Essential changes in exit declarations, applying for customer testing
10.30 Message descriptions and customer testing of exit declarations
11.00 Event closes

The event language is Finnish, and the material will also be released in Swedish. Please let us know if your business is in need of an event in English.

More information:

Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet