Changes to Customs’ systems on 25 February 2023 – information for message declarants

Publication date 7.2.2023 9.41
Type:Press release

Customs’ systems will be upgraded on 25 February 2023. Customs’ message declarants are advised to note the upcoming changes.

Changes to entry declarations in the Customs Clearance System (UTU)

New features:

  • Airlines can submit a presentation notification (FI332A) on transport units of postal consignments (receptacles).

Improved features:

  • Storage operators can submit an unloading report (FI364A) using a service provider.
  • A missing customer’s reference (LNR) has been added to the Customs’ control notification (FI350A).

Other things to note:

  • Unloading reports (FI364A) cannot be provided on entry summary declarations submitted to the Commission’s system before the autumn 2023 when Customs’ systems will be upgraded.

Changes to the exit declarations in the Arrival and exit declaration service (AREX).

Improved features:

  • The exit manifest presentation (IE547) must be used for presenting the entry summary declarations and declarations for temporary storage submitted to the Customs clearance system in situations where the goods are not declared into Finland; rather they exit from temporary storage to an area outside the EU. Currently, presentation for exit is possible by entering the same MRN as for the arrival notification submitted in the customs clearance system only once in the same exit manifest presentation (IE547).

In the future, the same MRN can be entered in the exit summary declaration several times if needed and with each MRN, the house level transport documents with related goods items. If several house level transport documents are connected to the same MRN, they can be presented for exit with the same exit manifest presentation.

This improvement also results in a change in the published schemas of AREX message descriptions. Check the updated AREX message descriptions (v. 1.5 change 5) on Customs’ website.

The changes may cause longer response times

The system alterations may cause delays in the message exchange and increase the number of incorrect messages. This in turn increases the number of declarations Customs has to process, which may temporarily result in longer response times. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by these changes.

More information:

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet