ATA Carnets can be used in transports between Åland and other EU countries in future

Publication date 25.10.2024 15.04
Press release

The ATA Carnet is used for the temporary export or temporary admission of goods or for their transit. The ATA Carnet can be used in transports between the EU and countries outside the EU, and in future, it can also be used when goods are transported across the tax border from Åland to EU countries. The ATA Carnet can replace the customs declarations for export and import, but it does not replace other documents or authorisations you might need (for example import licences for firearms or health certificates). ATA Carnets are issued by the Chamber of Commerce. The ATA Carnet also functions as a guarantee for any customs debt that may arise. 

In goods transports between Åland and other EU countries, you should act in the same way as in the trade with non-EU countries.

For what goods is the ATA Carnet issued?

The ATA Carnet is issued for goods such as:

  • exhibition goods
    • The goods cannot be lent, hired, used against payment or removed from the place of the event. The samples or specimens belong to the holder of the ATA Carnet. The exhibition goods must not be sold or used for any other purpose than for demonstration or display, and they are intended to be re-imported or used up during the event.
  • professional equipment belonging to a person or company 
    • The equipment must not be hired.
  • commercial samples
    • The samples must not be sold and they must be either used up or reimported after the exhibition.

Read more: Go to “ATA-carnet” on the page about transit

More information:

Customer notice