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Codes used in customs declarations

The codes are intended for message and online declarants.

1. Codes used in declarations submitted in the Customs Clearance Service and through messages 

The codes used in the import declarations and customs warehousing declarations submitted in the Customs Clearance Service and via message exchange are available on the GitHub website of Finnish Customs: Codes

Comparison table for additional procedure codes 

Comparison table, xlsx. The table contains a comparison between the additional procedure codes introduced in the Customs Clearance Service (UTU) on 19 April 2021 and the additional procedure codes used in the Import Declaration Service for businesses (ITU), now referred to as “Import declarations for businesses – special procedures”.

2. Codes used in other services and messages:

Liiketoiminnan luonnekoodit 1.1.2022 alkaen (xlsx, 23 kB)

Koderna för typ av transaktion fr.o.m. 1.1.2022 Codes for nature of transaction as of 1 January 2022

Liiketoiminnan ja kauppatapahtuman luonnekoodit, muunnostaulukko (xlsx, 20 kB)

Koderna för typ av transaktion och transaktionens art, konverteringstabell Codes for nature of transaction and activities, conversion chart

Koodit-Koder-Codes.xlsm (xlsm, 566 kB)

Päivitetty/uppdaterad/updated 1.6.2023