Codes used in customs declarations
The codes are intended for message and online declarants.
1. Codes used in declarations submitted in the Customs Clearance Service and via message exchange in the customs clearance system
The codes used in the declarations for import, export, arrival, customs warehousing, transit and declarations concerning Åland, submitted in the Customs Clearance Service and via message exchange, are available on Customs’ GitHub website: Codelists.
Comparison table for the changed codes for export
Comparison table, xlsx. Document type codes, additional information codes and additional procedure codes used for the new export declarations (UTU) from 5 October 2024, compared with the previously used (ELEX) document codes, additional statement codes and codes for the national procedure.
Customs office codes, UNLOCODE codes as well as UNDG and CUS codes
Used in the customs declarations are also code lists determined by the EU and code lists of other international customs offices, UNLOCODE codes for locations, UNDG codes for dangerous goods and CUS codes for chemical substances. Links to the webpages and files where you can see the code lists:
Customs offices (xml): Download Reference Data (
UNLOCODE codes: UN/LOCODE Code List by Country and Territory | UNECE
UNDG codes: Dangerous Goods | UNECE
CUS codes: ECICS - European Customs Inventory of Chemical Substances - European Commission (
2. Codes used in other services and messages:
The codes for safety and security declarations submitted in EU’s ICS2 Declaration System for Safety and Security Data (STI-STP) can be found on EU’s Circabc webpage in group ”EU Advance Cargo Information System (ICS2)”. The codes are available under the topic “ICS2 Common Functional System Specifications”. Download the latest version from the folder ICS-HTI. The code lists and the code values are available in section 7 “ICS-HTI-CL”.