Work-related travel
This page is under construction. Please check the instructions on our old website.Link to an external website
- Travelling on business with company goodsLink to an external website
- Returning from your business trip with company goodsLink to an external website
- ATA carnet with the travellerLink to an external website
A person belonging to the crew of a means of transport that provides professional transportation between Finland and a country or territory outside the EU can import goods free of tax when travelling on duty. You can import the same amount of tax-free goods in a calendar month as travellers can import on one occasion.
To obtain the tax exemption you must enter the goods in the customs clearance carnet upon their import. The customs clearance carnet must be presented to Customs upon request. Pick up a customs clearance carnet from Customs before your employment at the means of transport begins.
Apply for a customs clearance carnet at a customs office or by post
You can apply for a customs clearance carnet in person at a customs office that provides customer service and that issues carnetsLink to an external website. Please bring all necessary documents. Your carnet will be issued while you wait.
If a customs office that issues carnets does not provide customer service, please apply for the carnet by post by sending a free-format application and the necessary documents to the office in question. Customs will send you the customs clearance carnet to the address you’ve provided.
When applying for a carnet you need to present the following documents:
- an ID document (when applying for a carnet by post, a copy of your ID document is sufficient)
- a photograph (passport photo)
- proof of employment, e.g. employment contract
- when renewing a customs clearance carnet, the previous carnet must be returned or proof be provided as to why it cannot be returned
The carnet is issued free of charge and is valid until further notice.