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Watch our online recordings about the changes to entry declarations

Publication date 12.1.2022 13.55
Press release

We have published three online recordings about the changes to be introduced to the entry declarations in autumn 2022 on the Customs website. The recordings are in Finnish and 2–8 minutes long. We will publish the presentations in Swedish and English in February 2022.

  • Changes to entry declarations, part 1: Temporary storage declarations for air and sea traffic to undergo changes in autumn 2022 (ca. 8 min)
  • Changes to entry declarations, part 2: Unloading report for temporary storage (ca. 2 min)
  • Moving goods between temporary storage facilities from autumn 2022 (ca. 2 min)

More information:
Changes to entry declarations and temporary storage declarations
New temporary storage declarations for sea and air traffic in autumn 2022


Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet