Specifications to transition periods of new entry summary declarations in air traffic

Publication date 9.1.2023 9.22
Type:Press release

The new entry summary declarations and the related arrival notifications to be submitted for goods consignments arriving from outside the EU by air will be introduced on 1 March 2023. Declarants can apply for a transition period for changing over to the new declarations and notifications.

Customs has published instructions on transition periods concerning new declarations for air traffic, and on applying for transition periods. See the instructions on the page “Changes to entry declarations and temporary storage declarations”.

Note that some of the information has changed slightly in comparison to our previous customer notice on the new entry summary declarations for air traffic and their deployment in stages (17 November 2022).

More information: UCC(at)tulli.fi 

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet