Software developers and message declarants: transition period rules will be used in new transit declarations between 18 November 2023 and 21 January 2025

Publication date 7.11.2023 14.40
Press release

New transit declarations will be deployed on 18 November 2023. Message declarants must start using the new transit declaration message (FI015) and the related amendment request (FI013) no later than on 18 December 2023. Messages sent by operators receiving transit goods must in turn be taken into use immediately on 18 November 2023.

The messages will be introduced first with transition period rules. The Commission has proposed that the final rules will take effect on 22 January 2025. This schedule is only a proposal. The final decision will emerge when the EU approves the new EU Regulation as it work programme.

Testing of the final rules in autumn 2024

There will be changes to the technical specifications for certain details provided via message exchange (e.g. number of characters, data repeatability) when the final rules are introduced. This requires that software suppliers and service providers will still need to do small-scale testing with the final rules.

Customs will provide more information on this testing in due course.

More information:
New transit declarations will not be introduced until November 2023 (customer notice, 21 June 2023) 
Software developers: new transit declarations using transition period rules from 18 November 2023 and later using final rules (customer notice, 21 June 2023)

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet