Previous document codes will become four-character codes in the new customs declarations in September 2023

Publication date 15.6.2023 9.00
Type:Press release

The previous document codes used in import declarations and in presentation notifications and other entry declarations will be replaced by new codes consisting of four characters on 2 September 2023. These four-character codes will also be used in the new transit declarations that will be introduced this autumn. The change will not affect the export declarations and exit declarations submitted via message exchange or the Arrival and Exit Declaration Service (AREX). 

Software developers: check the new codes and start using them

Software developers must take note of the new declaration message codes in the applications that they supply to the message declarants. The codes have been published in the message implementing guidelines. When you change the date of validity on the “Codes” tab in the message implementing guidelines to 2 September 2023, or a later date, the new four-character codes starting with 1, C and N will also be displayed in the code list CL014 for previous document type.
The requirements on the format of the data element will not change: the element can still contain a maximum of four alphanumeric characters. After the change, it will no longer be possible to provide three-digit codes for previous documents in the new customs declarations. However, the two-character IM code will still be used. 

Examples of changes

Presentation notification:

  • If the previous declaration provided for the goods is a temporary storage declaration, select N377 as the type (current code: 337).
  • If you’re submitting a presentation notification for goods transported between Åland and mainland Finland and no previous declaration has been submitted for the goods to Customs, select 1ZZZ as the type (current code: ZZZ).

Import declarations:

  • If the previous declaration is an entry summary declaration submitted for goods that have arrived from a country outside the EU, select N355 as the type (current code: 355).
  • If you’re submitting a supplementary recapitulative declaration (=periodic clearance) and you’re providing the simplified declaration as the previous document, select C512 as the type (current code: SDE).
  • If the previous declaration is an electronic import declaration or customs warehousing declaration submitted via the Customs Clearance Service or message exchange, select NMRN as the type (current code: MRN).

More information: UCC(at)

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