Operator-based message exchange will end in 2021
Operator-based message exchange between Customs and businesses will be completely phased out by the end of 2021. This timetable applies to all declarations and notifications for export, transit, entry, exit and import.
Operator-based message exchange will end according to the following timetable:
- Customs will not receive operator-based messages after 4.00 pm on 30 November 2021.
- Customs will send responses to operator-based messages until 4.00 pm on 30 December 2021.
If your business wishes to start using direct message exchange, apply for the authorisation from Customs as soon as possible. Send the application during the spring, so that you will have time to perform the required testing before the operator-based message exchange ends.
If you do not wish to use message exchange, you can also submit customs declarations via our online services.
For more information about changing over to direct message exchange, please contact our Business Information: yritysneuvonta.lupa-asiakkaat(at)tulli.fi.
More information: Operator-based message exchange will be phased out by the end of 2021 (3 April 2020)