Message exchange customers in import and customs warehousing: apply now for testing of updated declarations

Publication date 3.2.2022 9.00
Type:Press release

The updated import and customs warehousing declarations will be introduced on 24 September 2022. The update covers all declarations for import and customs warehousing, which means that the import declarations involving special procedures and the simplified declarations will also be updated. Message exchange customers must test the updated messages with Customs. All current message exchange customers for import and customs warehousing must also apply for amendment of their message exchange authorisation.

Testing schedule

Before message exchange customers can start using the updated declarations, they must first test the declarations with Customs. You can start applying for this testing from 3 February 2022. The testing with Customs will start in July. Customs will schedule a time for the testing with the business once the application has been received. Software suppliers and service providers will test the declarations first. After that, message exchange customers using their own server certificates will test the declarations. 

Message exchange customers must test and start using the updated import and customs warehousing declarations no later than on 1 November 2022. 

How do I apply for testing?

Message exchange customers in import and customs warehousing can apply for testing using the service “Applying for a message exchange authorisation”. You log in to the service using identification and the mandate code “Customs clearance”. Message exchange customers must have an EORI number.

Select “New application” if you have not sent any messages to the new customs clearance system (UTU) before. If you are already sending messages to this system, select “Amendment application”.

Applying for the testing – foreign businesses

If a business applying for message exchange customer status has an EORI number that is not Finnish, the business must apply for testing using customs form 1092 “Application for message exchange with Customs, the UTU system”. Request the form from edi-luvat(at) 

Section G of the form lists only some of the declarations, so in section H, Additional information, provide separately the declarations regarding which you are applying for a new authorisation or amendment. Indicate which of the following you wish to start using:

  • the updated message structure (schema) for import and customs warehousing in accordance with version 2.1 of the message implementing guidelines 
  • messages regarding hearing: hearing request (FI430) and hearing response (FI446)
  • presentation notification (FI475)
  • inward processing
  • temporary admission
  • end-use
  • simplified import declaration

More information: 
The updated message descriptions (message implementing guidelines) for import and customs warehousing declarations for autumn 2022 have been published
Customer guidebook on message exchange for import
Message exchange customer status in customs warehousing

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet