Deployment of new transit declarations and guarantee query messages

Publication date 21.2.2023 8.00
Type:Press release

New transit declarations are introduced in the EU over the period 2021–2023. In Finland, the new transit declarations will be deployed on 2 September 2023. In the future, declarations are submitted in the Customs Clearance Service or via message exchange. Furthermore, new guarantee query message relating to transit will be deployed on 1 December 2023.

Transit declarations

Message exchange customers who submit transit declarations that initiate transits have a one-month transition period; new messages can be deployed on 2 September 2023, and no later than on 2 October 2023. Transition periods specific to individual companies are not available. Message declarants who submit reports on receipt and unloading do not have a transition period. Instead, the new message declarations will be deployed on 2 September 2023. 

Customers who use the Customs Clearance Service will start using all new declarations on 2 September 2023. 

The finalised renewed data contents for transit declarations are to be deployed throughout the EU on 1 December 2023. This is why software suppliers and message exchange service providers must test the updated declaration messages in October-November 2023. The changes that take effect on 1 December 2023 are technical, and do not affect end-users, i.e. submitters of declarations, in any essential way.

Guarantee query messages

The current situation is that guarantee holders can contact Customs only by email or phone for enquiries about reservation statuses of transit guarantees. As of 1 December 2023, transit principals can enquire about reservation statuses with a new guarantee query message. The Customs e-service does not contain this option.

Moreover, guarantee holders who have received a so-called Master code can, for example, requet new ID codes to be added with a guarantee ID code message.

During the summer, Customs will release information on the customer testing of these voluntary messages. The message descriptions for guarantee queries were published on the Customs website in December 2022, and are available on the message descriptions page.

More information

New transit declarations will be introduced in September 2023 (customer notice, 15 September 2022)
Specified timetable: new transit declarations are introduced in September 2023; export and exit declarations in the spring of 2024 (customer notice, 28 April 2022)
Message descriptions for transit declarations to be deployed in March 2023 now published 
(customer notice, 9 November 2021)

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet