Deployment of message interface for guarantee query messages to be delayed

Publication date 25.10.2023 10.00
Type:Press release

The schedule for deploying the message interface for guarantee query messages will change. Customers who submit transit declarations can start using guarantee query messages in January 2024. Guarantee query messages can replace the current email queries to Customs. Deployment of the messages is voluntary.

New message interface for transit guarantees

In future, the owner (transit guarantee holder) can send queries to Customs about the reservation status of transit guarantees or other requests concerning transit guarantees via message exchange. In future, the owner, i.e. the holder of the transit procedure, can enquire about the reservation status of guarantees with the message “guarantee query” (FI034). 

The guarantee holders’ access code request, that is, the guarantee access code message (FI226) will not be deployed at the first stage in early 2024. Customs will notify customers later about the deployment of the guarantee access code message.

How to apply for message exchange customer status for guarantee messages?

If you wish to use message exchange for guarantee messages relating to transit declarations, you should apply for a decision on message exchange registration in the Authorisations and Decisions Service. You can apply for customer status starting on 4 January 2024. You must test your guarantee query message with Customs before deployment. Testing will begin in January 2024. 

If your company already uses message exchange for submitting customs declarations to the Customs Clearance System (UTU) or has applied for message exchange customer status for the transit declarations that will be introduced on 18 November 2023, apply for amendment of the decision on message exchange registration in the Authorisations and Decisions Service. 

More information: 
New message interface for customers using transit guarantees 4 May 2023

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet