Changes in declaring entry, temporary storage and Union status on 25 May 2024

Publication date 19.2.2024 10.00
Type:Press release

Customs will implement changes in declaring entry, temporary storage and Union status as of 25 May 2024. The following will change:

  • In temporary storage declarations, it is possible to use details on goods included on entry summary declarations.
  • The use of arrival notifications will extend to goods whose Union status has been confirmed in the Proof of Union Status (PoUS) system.
  • Manifest presentations can be submitted at the master air waybill level when all goods declared on the master air waybill arrive in a single transport.
  • Warehouse operators can obtain information on goods presented for storage also when entry summary declarations have been submitted for them to the ICS2 security data system.
  • A submitter of a temporary storage declaration can have access to consignment details in the preceding entry summary declaration.
  • In the future, temporary storage operators will receive a FI319 TSD information message also regarding their own declaration.
  • Union goods entering Finland will be presented either in the Customs Clearance System or in message format.

Updated information on the changes will be available also on the Customs website as soon as possible.

In temporary storage declarations, it is possible to use details on goods included on entry summary declarations

If you are transporting goods to Finland through another EU country, you can request for the goods details that you provided at the first EU place of arrival with an entry summary declaration to be used on the temporary storage declaration to be submitted in Finland. In such cases, you are not required to submit consignment-specific goods details on a temporary storage declaration. Instead, the Customs system will retrieve the required goods details from the ICS2 security data system.

In a temporary storage declaration, you can refer to an entry summary declaration submitted for a consignment also when you are not using any required house level goods details, but when you have however received details regarding the MRN and the transport document from the submitter of the entry summary declaration.

If you wish for the goods details to be retrieved from the entry summary declaration, you should include the following information in your temporary storage declaration:

  • additional information code FIRUE, to be given as a declaration level additional detail 
  • the MRN of the entry summary declaration, to be provided under the previous document details of the house level consignment
  • as the transport document identifier on the house consignment, the same transport document indicated as the house consignment transport document on the entry summary declaration.

It is not possible for you to use the FIRUE additional information code when the goods are arriving from another EU country to Finland on transport document other than the house consignment transport document with which the goods arrived at the first place of arrival in the EU.

When you use the FIRUE additional information code in a temporary storage declaration, the declaration must cover all consignments declared with the house consignment transport document indicated in the entry summary declaration. If the entry summary declaration has covered several transport documents relating to house consignments, you can indicate only a part of the transport documents in your temporary storage declaration, if you so wish. 

When you use the FIRUE additional information code, the information on all the consignments included in the declaration are retrieved from the entry summary declaration. Both goods details and the FIRUE additional information code cannot be included in the same temporary storage declaration. In such cases, you should submit two separate declarations.

Use of arrival notifications expands on 25 May and as of 3 June 2024

As of 25 May, presentation notifications are also submitted for Union goods whose Union status has been confirmed electronically in the Proof of Union Status system (PoUS). 

Furthermore as of 3 June, presentation notifications are to be submitted for goods arriving on board ships arriving from non-EU ports on which entry summary declarations have been submitted into the ICS2 security data system.

In a presentation notification, you can declare goods at the master air waybill level with the FIPML additional information code 

If all the goods indicated in your presentation notification arrive in a single transport, you can include an MRN as information regarding the previous declaration without transport document details in your notification. In such cases, you should include the FIPML additional information code as a declaration-level additional information item. Leave the transport document details blank. The previous declaration can be a temporary storage declaration or an entry summary declaration submitted to the ICS2 safety and security data system of the EU.

If all of the goods indicated in a single declaration do not arrive in the same transport, you should provide the house level transport document numbers in your presentation notification.

Rules and conditions on the use of the additional information code have been added to message descriptions.

Warehouse operators can obtain information on goods presented for storage when entry summary declarations have been submitted 

In future, Customs will submit an FI319 message to temporary storage operators on the information regarding presented goods also when the declaration preceding the presentation is an entry summary declaration submitted to the ICS2 safety and security data system of the EU. Up until now, warehouse operators have received such messages when the previous declaration is a temporary storage declaration.

Customs always submits the message to warehouse operators who are entry message declarants. Message exchange customers can, when they so wish, test the reception of the FI319 message. To do this, message exchange customers must apply for an amendment to their authorisation for direct message exchange.

With TSD information notification FI319, you will have access to for example the declared transport document regarding the house consignment, as well as details on goods. You can view the information corresponding with the FI319 notification also in the Customs Clearance Service when the goods have been presented for your storage facility. 

A message declarant for temporary storage can receive TSD notification 319 on goods arriving for temporary storage

If the transport operator who submits the temporary storage notification or their representative provides the additional information code FIRFI, Customs will send them transport and consignment information with an FI319 notification. Until now, only storage operators have received FI319 notifications.

If in your temporary storage declaration you are using also the FIRFI additional information code in addition to the FIRUE code, you will also receive goods details relating to the entry summary declaration from the ICS2 system in message format. The details have been added to the temporary storage declaration you have submitted. 

Also a submitter of a presentation notification can request an FI319 notification by providing additional information code FIRFI on the presentation notification. In such cases, FI319 notifications contain declaration and transport details regarding temporary storage or arrival, and a limited quantity of information on goods.

The FIRFI additional information code can only be used in message exchange, and not in the Customs Clearance Service. 

Temporary storage operators will always receive FI319 notifications

In future, temporary storage operators will always receive FI319 notifications. Until now, warehouse operators only received FI319 notifications when the temporary storage declaration was submitted by a party other than the storage operator. 

Declaring Union goods

Union goods arriving in Finland that were declared in the Proof of Union Status system at their departure will also be presented in the system at the initial stage from 1 March to 24 May 2024. Starting on 25 May 2024, Union goods that have arrived in Finland will always be presented with an arrival notification in the Customs Clearance Service or in message format (FI332). Previously, Customs incorrectly stated that the starting date would be 3 June 2024.

Message descriptions for arrival notifications now include additional rules and conditions regarding situations where the previous document is indicated as N825. This document code refers to the MRN of the electronic declaration submitted for Union goods.

You can read more about the changes to declaring Union goods on the Customs website: Changes to entry declarations and temporary storage declarations. Declaring goods requires identification and the “Customs clearance” mandate.

More information:
Declarations for arriving goods

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet