The updated message descriptions (message implementing guidelines) for import and customs warehousing declarations for autumn 2022 have been published

Publication date 12.10.2021 9.00
Type:Press release

Message exchange customers must start using the updated declaration messages for import and customs warehousing in autumn 2022. The preliminary message descriptions have now been published on the Finnish Customs website. The updated message descriptions also include the data contents of the import declarations involving special procedures and of the simplified declarations, so they cover all declarations for import and customs warehousing.

The message descriptions have been published on the Finnish Customs GitHub pages “Message Implementing Guidelines - Import 2.1". All message descriptions for message exchange with Finnish Customs are available on the page Message descriptions

The contents of the message descriptions

The message descriptions contain the introduction, the guide for message exchange, the data contents of the messages, the class diagram, the codes used as well as the message structure. The descriptions are preliminary and e.g. the codes, rules, conditions and example messages will be supplemented and specified before the end of this year. 

You can find the data elements required for the declarations involving special procedures and the simplified declarations (FI415) in the message descriptions using the rules and conditions. You can also use filtering to show only the details of the simplified declaration. 

Renewing authorisations

Message exchange requires an authorisation issued by Customs and testing of messages with Customs. The current message exchange customers for import must also apply for amendment of their message exchange authorisation. In early 2022, we will provide information on when new authorisations or amendment to current authorisations can be applied for. The updated messages must be tested with Customs. Customs will agree on the dates for testing with each business.

From autumn 2022, simplified declarations (e.g. periodic clearances) can also be lodged in the Customs Clearance Service. This means that periodic clearance will no longer require a message exchange authorisation.

What are the changes to the current import and customs warehousing messages?

The changes to message exchange:

  • Change of name space and version of messages.
  • Amendment will be requested with amendment request messages (FI413, FI473 and FI483).
  • The following details have been added to amendment request messages:
    • Amendment type
    • Amendment reason description
    • The attachment related to the amendment request will have to be provided in the data group “Provided information”, which will be under the data group “Amendment”.
  • For hearing, Customs can use a new notification, “Hearing request”, for which the customer has a response message.
  • Regarding some of the response notifications sent by Customs, the attribute “time limit type” has been added to the element “time limit”. 
  • The following details have been added to the amendment requests and the invalidation request (FI414):
    • Party responsible for payment
    • Requested amount
    • Small amount repayment
    • Payment method
    • Bank account identifier and bank details
    • Account holder name and address details
    • Applicant name and address details
  • Addition of previous document at declaration level to messages FI415 and FI413. In periodic clearance, for example, a maximum of 9 999 simplified declarations can be provided as previous documents. 
  • Addition of error description to rejection notifications (FI416) and error notifications (FI444) sent by Customs.
  • Changes to the names of some data fields and to the maximum number of characters in them.
  • When the response to an error notification sent by Customs is an amendment request, request correlation is required.
  • For all declaration messages concerning declarations lodged retrospectively, the additional declaration type R will be introduced, and the current additional procedure code 680 will no longer be used.

More information:
Changes to import declarations will continue in autumn 2022 (Customer notice, 5 August 2021)

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