New import declarations for special procedures and simplified declarations will be introduced on 24 September 2022

Publication date 25.1.2022 13.48
Type:Press release

The timetable for the changes to the import declarations has been specified. The new declarations involving special procedures and simplified declarations will be introduced on 24 September 2022. The message declarants will have a short transition period.

The changing import declarations

In future, the following import declarations will be submitted either in the Customs Clearance Service or using updated messages:

  • inward processing declarations 
  • end-use declarations 
  • declarations for outward processing that begins with import
  • declarations for temporary admission 
  • simplified declarations (e.g. periodic clearance) 
  • electronic presentation notifications submitted by holders of the EIR authorisation (former holders of the authorisation for local clearance at import) 
  • supplementary import declarations.

The new separate declarations “hearing request” and “hearing response” will also be introduced.
Contrary to previous information, the declarations for customs procedures 95 and 96 will be introduced at a later date.

Transition period for message declarants

If a business is applying for message exchange customer status regarding special procedures or simplified declarations, it must start using the new declarations by 1 November 2022. Customs will provide more information on how to apply for message exchange customer status in February 2022. Message declarants must test the new declarations with Customs. The testing of the import declarations can begin at the end of July 2022.

If the business is already submitting new standard import or customs warehousing declarations through message exchange, it must apply for amendment of its message exchange authorisation, because there will also be changes to the structure of some of the currently used import messages. These businesses must also test the changing messages before the end of the transition period. 

Changes when goods are imported from another EU country to Åland or transported in the goods traffic between Åland and mainland Finland

The current two-stage declaration procedure in the goods traffic between Åland and mainland Finland will change in February 2022. In autumn 2022, a new presentation notification will be introduced in the two-stage declaration procedure, when goods are imported from another EU country or transported between Åland and mainland Finland Customs will provide more information about this later.

More information: UCC(at) 
Customer notice, 5 August 2021: Changes to import declarations will continue in autumn 2022

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet