Shipping companies: if you are submitting a non-F11 entry summary declaration, be sure to also submit a temporary storage declaration

Publication date 19.8.2024 13.11
Type:Press release

On 3 June 2024, we deployed new entry summary declarations and arrival notifications for sea traffic regarding goods imported on vessels arriving from ports outside the EU. Declarations can be submitted either in the EU’s ICS2 service for submitting safety and security data (STI-STP) or in message format.

When you submit an entry summary declaration of the type F10, F12 or F13 to the EU system, Finnish Customs does not have access to all the required information in the EU system for approving the manifest presentation and customs clearance. Therefore, companies that submit those declarations are required to submit both an entry summary declaration and an additional temporary storage declaration to Finnish Customs when goods arrive. In the temporary storage declaration, you should provide the MRN of the entry summary declaration with the additional information code “FIPRD” as additional information for the whole declaration.

The manifest presentation then indicates the MRN given to the temporary storage declaration instead of the MRN of the declaration submitted to the EU system. Also in the following customs declaration, the MRN of the temporary storage declaration must be provided as the previous document.

If you use an F11 entry summary declaration, you can submit a manifest presentation directly to Finnish Customs after submitting an arrival notification. A separate temporary storage declaration not needed in that case.

We estimate that in March 2025 Finnish Customs will have access to information required for manifest presentations and customs clearances from the EU system in all situations. After that time, temporary storage declarations following entry summary declarations will no longer be used.

More information:  

Entry summary declarations for sea traffic can no longer be submitted in the Arrival and Exit Declaration Service (AREX)  (customer notice, 7 August 2024)

Entry summary declarations for sea traffic can be submitted in the Arrival and Exit Declaration Service (AREX) for the time being (customer notice, 19 June 2024)

Web declarants in sea traffic will start using the EU’s ICS2 declaration service starting on 3 June 2024 at 13.00. (customer notice of 30 May 2024, available in Finnish and Swedish)


Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet