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New export declarations not to be deployed until October 2024

Publication date 25.10.2023 10.06
Press release

Export declarations are to be renewed in the EU during 2021–2025. In Finland, export declarations are deployed on 5 October 2024 instead of the previously stated spring of 2024. From then on, these declarations are to be submitted either via the Customs Clearance Service or via message exchange. 

On 5 October 2024, the following export declarations and notifications will be replaced with new ones:

  • customs declarations for export and re-export
  • arrival at exit notification
  • standard declaration for ship supplies
  • declaration for goods in pipelines

The exit declarations and notifications that will be replaced in spring 2025 are: simplified declaration for ship supplies, re-export notification, exit summary declaration and exit notification.

Message declarants must test the new messages with Customs. The aim is for software suppliers to start testing export messages in spring 2024, and for customers who submit declarations to do so in late summer 2024. Customs will release information on the start of the testing in January 2024.

More information:
Export declarations to be replaced with new ones in 2024 and exit declarations at a later date 
(customer notice, 3 May 2023)
Software developer: The Commission has published instructions regarding changes in export declaration messages for 2024 (customer notice, 9 February 2023)
Changes to export and exit

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet