Message exchange customers in imports: have you applied for a new message exchange authorisation?

Publication date 24.2.2021 13.00
Type:Press release

The import declarations on release of goods for free circulation will begin to be submitted to our new customs clearance system from April 2021. Message exchange customers must start using the new declarations no later than on 31 May 2021. The messages must be sent to Customs via direct message exchange.

Remember to apply for a message exchange authorisation

For your company to be able to lodge import declarations to the new customs clearance system for goods to be released for free circulation, the company must apply for a new authorisation to use message exchange. Apply for it in the service Applying for a message exchange authorisation.

The new messages to be tested with Customs

The new messages must be tested with Customs before starting to use them. Customs will contact your company to set a date for the testing when you have submitted the authorisation application.

If the message declarants transmit the messages themselves to Customs from their own server, they must test a few test cases with Customs in the message exchange testing service. If the message declarants use a service provider in transmitting and generating messages, they do not have to test the messages with Customs. The software suppliers and service providers will test all the test cases with Customs. However, Customs’ customer test environment is available for all message exchange customers every day, around the clock. The company can contact Customs’ customer testing support during the testing period that will be set. 

The import declarations will undergo changes in phases

The new declarations that will be introduced April 2021 are used when 

  • goods are released for free circulation and the customs procedure code is 40 or 01, 07, 42, 45, 61, 63 or 68
  • goods are imported from outside the EU fiscal territory from another EU country, for example, from the Canary Islands
  • goods are imported from another EU country across the tax border to the Åland Islands
  • goods are transported across the tax border between the Åland Islands and mainland Finland
  • tariff quotas are applied for
  • using an authorisation to present missing documents

In spring 2022, changes will be introduced for

  • simplified customs declarations lodged in two steps 
  • declarations for special procedures, including inward processing, temporary admission and end-use. 

The declarations that will not be updated until spring 2022 are, for the time being, to be submitted to the current import declaration system (ITU). If your company only lodges import declarations of this kind, you do not yet have to apply for a new message exchange authorisation.  

More information: UCC(at)

Customer notices:
Import declarations by businesses will be renewed in April 2021
Message exchange customer prepare yourself for the testing of new import messages

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