Message declarants: updates to data contents in exit manifest presentations and summary exit declarations
Customs has updated the data contents of manifest presentations (IE547), exit summary declarations (IE615) and amendment requests (IE613). The data “reference number MRN” in messages is updated, and the data element “transport document number” has been added. In the future, Customs requires exit notifications also on returned postal consignments and postal export consignments.
Postal consignments returned as undeclared
In the future, Customs requires a declaration if a postal consignment that has arrived in the Union by air is returned to the consignor as undeclared. For these consignments, Customs will need an exit manifest presentation (IE547) and an exit notification (IE590) to the Arrival and exit declaration service (AREX) as of 1 April 2022. Transport companies are responsible for submitting declarations, and representatives can be used in submitting declarations.
In exit manifest presentations, MRN reference numbers of security data declarations saved in the Commission’s system are to be entered in the “reference number MRN” data element. Furthermore, the transport document reference is entered in the “transport document number” data element.
Postal export consignments
As of 1 April 2022, Customs requires declarations also on postal export consignments. The "Arrival at exit" notification (IE507) is submitted in the Export Declaration Service (ELEX). Exit manifest presentation (IE547) and exit notifications are to be submitted in the Arrival and exit declaration service (AREX).
More information:
- Goods exiting the EU
- Declarations on exiting goods
- Time limits for declarations
- yritysneuvonta.vienti(at)