Information event for software developers regarding the new message descriptions for transit declarations on 14 December 2021
New transit declarations will be introduced in March 2023. The current transit declarations will be replaced by declarations that conform to new data contents and are to be submitted to the new customs clearance system of Finnish Customs. The first version of message descriptions is available on the Customs message descriptions website.
We will hold an information event for software developers in the form of a Skype video meeting on 14 December 2021. Be sure to sign up for the event no later than on 10 December 2021 by email at UCC(at)
Event programme
13.00–13.15 Opening of the event and presentation method of message descriptions
13.15–14.00 Messages and examples of use cases
14.00–14.05 Break
14.05–14.45 Data content of the transit declaration and unloading report
14.45–15.00 Discussion and closing
The event will be held in Finnish. The material will also be published in Swedish. Please let us know if your business is in need of an event in English.
More information: UCC(at)