Customer services for businesses
Looking for these? Customs offices
Select the advice line according to the subject of your question.
When you send confidential information or personal details to Customs, we recommend that you use secure email.
General advice for business customers
For example, you can ask about the following subjects:
- commodity codes and taxes
- import and export restrictions
- help with getting started with import and export.
Specialised information for businesses
For example, you can ask about the following subjects:
- when to apply for an authorisation granted by Customs and what are the authorisation requirements
- when do I need a guarantee
- when to initiate message declaration and what does it mean for my company
We aim to answer your enquiry within three working days. If your matter is urgent, you can call the advice line “General advice for business customers”.
On this page
- User support for customer services and message exchange
- Pending authorisation applications
- Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
- Payments
- Åland Islands
- Transit follow-up
- Sea traffic, fairway dues and Portnet
- Warehouse operations
- Foreign trade statistics
- Intra-EU trade declarations (Intrastat)
- Consumer protection
- Customs’ training services
User support for customer services and message exchange
- First select the language: Finnish (select 1) or Swedish (select 2).
- Next, select whether your question is about online declarations (select 1) or message declaration (selections 2–6):
Mon–Fri 8 am–4:15 pm
- Sub-selection 1: Import declarations
- Sub-selection 2: Export declarations
- Sub-selection 3: Customs warehousing declarations
- Sub-selection 4: Transit declarations
- Sub-selection 5: Security data declarations
If you need help with pending message declarations or you received an error notification, choose from 2–6.
Selection 2: Import message declarations, 24/7 or spake.tuonti(at)
- Message follow-up
- Processing customs declaration messages that become pending
- Replying to customer enquiries regarding declaration messages
Selection 3: Export message declarations, 24/7
- Sub-selection 1: Export exit follow-up, Monday to Friday 8 am to 4 pm or vientiseuranta(at)tulli
- Also retrospectively submitted export declarations
- Sub-selection 2: Exports with refunds, Monday to Friday 8 am to 4 pm or spake.vienti(at)
- Sub-selection 3: Export message declarations, 24/7 or spake.vienti(at)tulli
- Message follow-up
- Processing customs declaration messages that become pending
- Replying to customer enquiries regarding declaration messages
Selection 4: Transit message declarations, 24/7 or spake.passitus(at)
- Message follow-up
- Processing customs declaration messages that become pending
- Replying to customer enquiries regarding declaration messages
Selection 5: Security data message declarations, 24/7 or spake.arex(at)
- Message follow-up
- Processing of entry and exit declaration messages
- Replying to customer enquiries regarding declaration messages
Selection 6: Customs warehousing message declarations, 24/7
Customs warehousing message declarations
Message exchange technical support
You can ask about
- message exchange
- technical message follow-up and technical customer testing
- technical problems related to declaration messages.
Authorisations and Decisions Service
For example, you can ask about following subjects:
- what are the authorisations to be applied via the Authorisations and Decisions Service
- how is the Authorisations and Decisions Service used.
Attachment Upload Service
You can ask about submitting attachments through the Attachment Upload Service.
Customs Authorisation Centre
You can ask about authorisation applications you have lodged, that are already being processed by Customs.
CBAM Transitional Registry user support
Problems logging in and registering: contact the user support for customer services and message exchange for advice. First select the language, and then 1 ”Tulli-ilmoituksen täyttö ilmoituspalvelussa” (online customs declarations) and then 1 again ”Tuonti-ilmoittaminen” (import declarations).
Payment transactions
You can ask about
- periodic filings
- payments.
Debt collection
You can ask about
- requests for payment
- payment arrangements
- other matters related to debt collection.
- If you have questions about submitting a declaration for import, export or transit, or about using the Customs Clearance Service, ask the user support for customer services and message exchange for advice.
If you have questions about trade between the Åland Islands and EU countries other than Finland, or about trade between the Åland Islands and non-EU countries, contact the Customs Information Service for advice.
Åland Islands tax border information
You can ask about trade between the Åland Islands and mainland Finland (for example, which declarations have to be submitted and when, and, who is responsible for submitting the declaration)
Processing state of the Åland import declarations that are being processed
You can ask about import declarations you have already submitted, that concern the Åland Islands, and that are being processed by Customs.
Transit follow-up
You can ask about
- transit follow-up
- monitoring the discharge of the transit procedure
- supervision of unloading.
If you are operating a customs warehouse or temporary storage facility – contact the supervising group in your operating area if your matter, for example, concerns correcting your records, goods control or warehouse control or the destruction of uncleared goods.
Southern Finland
Southern Finland warehouse control group:
Western Finland
Satakunta mobile group:
Southwest Finland mobile group: LTP.LiikkuvaVarsinais-Suomi@)
Pirkanmaa mobile group:
Ostrobothnia mobile group:
Northern Finland
Bay of Bothnia mobile group:
(Provinces: Northern Ostrobothnia, Kainuu and Lapland)
Eastern Finland
Southeastern warehouse control group:
Kymi mobile group:
Vaalimaa Customs:
Nuijamaa Customs:
Savo-Karelia mobile group:
(Northern Savo, Southern Savo, Northern Karelia, northern part of Southern Karelia)
Åland Islands
Mariehamn mobile group:
Statistics service
You can ask about
- finding and interpreting statistics on the foreign trade of goods
- the use of the service for searching data in international trade statistics i.e. ULJAS database.
You can ask about
- declarations of intra-EU trade
- the use of the Intrastat Declaration Service.
Consumer protection
For example, you can ask about the following subjects:
- consumer protection
- assignments to take samples of imported goods
- health and quality inspections of fruit and vegetables.