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Vuosaari Harbour Day on 31 August – meet Customs and other harbour operators

Publication date 13.8.2024 9.15 | Published in English on 13.8.2024 at 9.20
Press release

Vuosaari Harbour Day is a family event that once again introduces the most important export harbour in Finland to visitors. At the event, you will meet us and many other operators at the harbour.

At Vuosaari Harbour, Customs has a significant role in supervising goods flows. Vuosaari Harbour Day gives you an opportunity to meet customs officers who work at the harbour, to have a look inside our Customs X-ray vehicle, visit a customs boat, and meet our highly skilled customs dogs.

In addition to meeting harbour operators, you can step on board visiting ships, participate in work demonstrations, have a look at a variety of equipment, and enjoy live music. 

The event will take place in the Hansa Terminal area in Vuosaari at Provianttikatu 5 on Saturday 31 August 2024 from 11.00 to 15.00. The event can be accessed freely. 

More information: Vuosaari Harbour Day / Visit Vuosaari (in Finnish)

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