Users of import declaration services are requested to give their consent to receiving electronic notices

Publication date 13.5.2024 10.00
Type:Press release

As of 25 May 2024, Customs requests customers using the Customs Clearance Service and the Import Declaration Service for private persons to give their consent to receiving electronic notices. 

What does consenting to electronic notices mean?

When you consent to receiving electronic notices, Customs will send you notifications and decisions relating to customs clearance by email. As of 25 May 2024, customers who use the Customs Clearance Service will also see the MRN of the declaration that the message concerns.

If you do not consent to receiving electronic notices, you will receive all notifications and decisions relating to customs clearance by letter. 

Also in future, when you use the Customs Clearance Service or the Import Declaration Service for private persons, you will see our requests for additional information and documents, as well as decisions on customs clearance and release of goods, along with customs invoices and other documents. You can also reply to our messages in the services. Consenting or deciding not to consent will have no effect on the matter.

How is consent for receiving electronic notices requested?

We will request consent for receiving electronic notices as of 25 May 2024.

If you use the Customs Clearance Service and you have not previously given consent when submitting a declaration, you will receive an automated request for receiving electronic notices when you log in. You can delete or add your consent by clicking on Settings. You can delete or add your consent before starting a new declaration. You can also delete or add your consent when you request a correction to your declaration, or when you request a revision of a declaration that has already been processed. However, once you have submitted your customs declaration, you can no longer change the mode of receiving notices. Read more on electronic notices in the user instructions of the service.

If you use the Import Declaration Service for private persons, we will ask you to give your consent in your contact details each time you enter information in an import declaration.

Changes to other declarations will happen later

Consent to receiving electronic notices and the addition of MRNs in emails will be deployed only for import declarations on 25 May 2024. The same procedure will be deployed in transit declarations in October 2024, and in export declarations in May 2025.

Additional information:

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