Message customer for import and arrival: ensure the deployment of new declarations with your software supplier and apply for additional time if required

Publication date 9.12.2022 12.03
Type:Press release

As of 5 November 2022, customers have submitted renewed import and arrival declarations in the Customs Clearance System. Customs gave message declarants a transitional period lasting until the end of 2022 to start using renewed declarations. If you submit import and arrival declarations to Customs in message format, you should contact your software supplier to confirm when the new version of your company’s customs clearance software can be installed for test use. You should also find out the possible date of the final software deployment. If your new software version cannot be tested with Customs and installed for production use during 2022, you can apply for additional time for your company as a message customer.

Applying for a transition period for your company

Apply for a transition period by sending a free-form email to Finnish Customs at UCC(at) In your message, include at least your company’s EORI number, and indicate that you are applying for a transition period for either import or arrival declarations. You should also include the date until which you are applying for a transition period. 

Your message must also include the reasons for applying for a transition period. For example, the reason can be that your company’s software supplier is unable to install the software version required for customer testing and production by the end of 2022. In addition to the statement of reasons, your message must indicate the measures you are taking, as well as their schedule. If an applicant produces their own software, they must indicate the production schedule for incomplete components. Furthermore, all customers must give the date when their companies have the software version required for customer testing in their use. If the tested software cannot be deployed directly afer successful testing done with Customs, you must also list the measures to be taken after testing, as well as their schedule.

Customs grants transition periods to companies for a maximum duration of a couple of months. If your company submits import declarations on excise goods for which also EMCS declarations are submitted to the Tax Administration, your transition period can last no longer than until 6 February 2023.

Customs will release a separate customer notice on the deployment of new movement declarations for temporary warehouses.

The transition period must be applied for by 22 December 2022 at the latest.

More information: 


Customer notice Customer notice Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet