Customs will send import response messages structured only according to the new version

Publication date 28.3.2023 10.00
Type:Press release

The transition periods for import message declarants have expired. During the transition period, Customs converted the sent import and customs warehousing messages structured according to the old version (version A) into messages structured according to the new version (version B). 

From now on, the import and customs warehousing messages must be sent structured according to the new version. From 3 April 2023, 12.00 (noon), messages structured according to the old version will no longer be converted to messages structured according to the new version. If a customer sends a message structured according to version A to Customs, the message will be rejected. From now on, Customs will send response messages structured only according to the new version (version B).

More information:
6 October 2022: Software developer: During the transition period Customs will send response messages in two different versions to import declarations 

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet